Monday, August 30, 2010

Baby, Emily Herself, The girl and I...

This is a seemingly ancient piece now, but while doing some journal "spring" cleaning, I noticed that I never re-added the revised version. So I shall do that now.

Emily Herself gazes fixedly upon screaming baby.
From a perspective such as this;
it may appear baby has never been,
other than a screaming.
Emily Herself does, reserve a certain fondness for baby.
But more so out of habit than actual emotional attachment.
These years have been elongated years...
Emily Herself fixed, pinned to this wall.
This particulate moment, particular scene.
Baby hasn't much to do, with the essence Emily Herself,
of or relating to her minute discrete particles or substance.
Emily Herself minus baby.
It is merely within the line of sight.
Nothing was not planned.
She methodically yet distractedly,
narrates the largely void and silently sentimental details.
Not much fussed with baby, is the girl.
Emily Herself seldom herself looks at the girl.
Only stares...stares, huge cavernous eyes at baby...
On subject of Emily Herself, it isn't terribly important.
Only Emily Herself to the girl, and therefore by proxy to me.
Emily Herself; thinks the girl, is one of those quaint names...
Ever so popular in the nineteenth century.
Conjuring up images of porcelain white suicide brides, abandoned altars.
Although Emily Herself, a plain woman she may have once been.
Has been lent a waning and frail bone pallid refinement.
The girl and her utter aesthetic contrast to Emily Herself,
is the primary reason she is so fascinated with Emily Herself.
The girl as Emily Herself with Baby,
has forgotten I'm here.
The girl is uncertain if Emily Herself is even aware of her existence.
She feels that her own awareness may be fading,
and may only be of significance in relation
to the admiring of Emily Herself.
That while defining Emily Herself,
She experiences a disintegration of her own persona and individual identity.
I often wonder, what The girl truly does see within Emily Herself.
What Emily herself represents for The girl.
The meaning of the silent daily observations.
I think it merely just exasperates the separateness of us all...
Baby, Emily Herself, The girl and I...

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